Contact information

Visiting address
Parallelweg 33
1756 ED ’t Zand

Postal address
Molenpad 10
1756 EE ’t Zand

T +31 6 245 23 440

The mill can be visited by everyone from the beginning of April to the end of October on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. In July and August also on Friday.

The mill can also be visited at other times for groups (eg schools) by appointment. Under the guidance of a guide, an explanation is given about the mill. Please contact us by phone or email.

The mill is free to visit. There is a generous donation jar in which you can put your donation.

It is also possible to buy all kinds of flour products, souvenirs and drink a cup of coffee, for example.

Also view our activity calendar for the various activities and different opening hours.

When the mill is open, we also try to run the mill for the ‘prince’ (the blades rotate, but there is no flour production). This is not always possible.

In order for the mill to run, a miller must be present and of course there must be enough wind. Even if the mill is not running, there is always a guide available who can show you around and tell interesting stories about the mill.

Every now and then grinding demonstrations with the mill are also given. You can then see how in the past flour was made from wheat.

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